Useful (?) Tools

Below are some spreadsheets that might be of use. Let me know of any errors. 

(Yet another) simple slope calculator and graphing tool. Calculate the slopes for conditional values of a moderator in, well, moderation analyses. I was in trouble like halfway into this sentence. Better examples exist, but I like the formatting on this one. Link.  

GAPIM conditional values and graphing tool. Calculate conditional values and a graph for output from the GAPIM model (Garcia & Kenny, 2012). Link.

ICC(1) and ICC(2) calculator. Intraclass correlation coefficients. Be cautious with small group sizes when calculating these. Link.  

Bayes theorem calculator. Relevant, relevant, and VERY relevant. Link.

Post-hoc ad-hoc average power calculator. Very mixed feelings about this one--way too many assumptions, and this is not how power should be calculated. Occasionally, however, you might need to do a quick calculation of average power on a finalized model (read: paper is under review, and you are reviewer #2). It's VERY back of the envelope and should not be read to generalize for the population. However, it could be useful if you somehow had good standard error estimates (say, from a tool like PiNT, if you're old-school), and wanted to save a few calculations. Again: extra careful with this one. With that being said, Link. 

From inter-item correlations to alpha and back again. Useful? Who knows. I needed it once. Link. 

Dichotomization and correlation attenuation. Calculates how much a correlation diminishes (everything else being equal) when a continuous variable is made dichotomous, with a cut at given SDs away from the mean. See Cohen, 1983; also includes a note for a reverse procedure that can be used to "correct" results attained via dichotomous variables, and such should be used with a ton of caution (I'm sensing a pattern with these spreadsheets). Link